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Last-second: 5-star All-Inc Turkey Holiday for £317

Alanya, Turkey

How fast can you pack? Thomas Cook is offering a 5-star week near Alanya, Turkey, including flights, meals, and drinks – for £326.65 per person. But it departs in two days – on 12 October.

The hotel is a good one, with a 4-star rating on Tripadviser; while the intro rate includes direct flights from Gatwick – you can pick other airports, but might pay a bit more for those.

These deals tend to happen when there are empty spaces left so close to departure, and it’s better to get at least a little revenue than to fly the plane there half-full.

It probably goes without saying that this won’t be available for long, given they’re practically warming up the engines already.

Visit Thomas Cook for full details and to book, and then pack your case really fast.

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