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Latest travel deals & tips

The best travel deals -
researched, verified, & explained

At, we find and verify genuine travel deals so you don’t have to. We track prices across flights, package holidays, and hotels, highlighting only those that offer significant savings. We don’t flood you with generic offers. Every price we find is verified when we review it.

Every deal we feature is checked, compared, and explained, so you know exactly why it’s worth booking and whether it’s the right time to do so.

What we do

We monitor leading UK travel providers, airlines, and booking platforms daily, filtering out weak offers and showcasing the most compelling price drops across:

  • Flights – Low fares, business class discounts, and rare mistake fares
  • Holidays – All-inclusive resorts, city breaks, and long-haul trips at lower-than-usual rates
  • Hotels – Big savings on well-reviewed properties, free-night offers, and hidden-value stays

We also track seasonal pricing trends, helping you book at the right time—whether it’s off-peak savings or rare discounts during high season.

Some travel companies use flash sales or limited-time discounts, but not all of them are great value. That’s where we come in—we check historical pricing, competitor rates, and even past trends to highlight the real savings, so you’re not just booking a deal—you’re booking at the best possible price.

Not every discount is worth your time. We only feature genuine value, based on:

  • Lower-than-normal pricing – We compare against past rates, competitor offers, and alternative booking options
  • Added extras – Whether it’s half-board for the price of room-only or a premium airline seat at economy prices, we highlight the perks
  • Short-lived opportunities – Flash sales, mistake fares, and last-minute price drops before they disappear

We cut through marketing fluff to show you what really matters—how much you’re saving, how the deal compares to typical prices, and what’s included (or not).

We also explain when to book and when to wait—because sometimes, patience can get you an even better deal.

  • We explain, not just list – We go beyond “great price” claims by providing real comparisons
  • 100% independent – We don’t promote travel companies’ deals unless they truly stand out
  • We move fast – The best deals sell out quickly, so we track live price drops and share them as soon as they appear

A great deal isn’t just about the lowest price—it’s about paying less for more. That’s why we break down:

Some of the best travel discounts don’t last a day. To stay ahead:

  • Sign up for email alerts – Get the best flight and holiday deals before they’re gone
  • Follow Flight Tribe on social media Be the first to hear about time-sensitive sales and mistake fares

We keep things simple: no gimmicks, no unnecessary promotions—just the best travel deals, explained.